Focus topics
Year of Water aims to bring forward fresh views for the demanding challenges from around the world related to water, including accessibility to drinking water, gender perspective, the management, the role, the essence, and the inspiration of water in the framework of glocalization.
The vision is to establish the right for drinking water in every constitution worldwide. The mission is to reinvent the integration of water topics into the emerging (eco)civilization, acknowledge water as the inner strength of life, and raise awareness about the essential role water plays for life on planet Earth.
The goals include raising awareness about topics related to water challenges, creating a focus group dedicated to the water topic, and cross-integrating with groups that share the vision and mission of the EYoW23. Additionally, the mission aims to deliver a new EcocivilisationBook: Water.
The goals include raising awareness about topics related to water challenges, creating a focus group dedicated to the water topic, and cross-integrating with groups that share the vision and mission of the EYoW23. Additionally, the mission aims to deliver a new EcocivilisationBook: Water.
Focus topics
Circular Economy
We strive towards circular economy, because as an economic system designed to minimize waste and promote the sustainable use of resources, it represents the answer to many chalenges, both social and environmental.
In a circular economy, products, materials, and resources are kept in use for as long as possible, with a focus on reducing, reusing, and recycling. The goal is to create a closed-loop system that minimizes the extraction of raw materials and the generation of waste. Circular economy principles emphasize the importance of designing products with longevity in mind and encouraging a shift from the traditional linear “take, make, dispose” model to a more regenerative and restorative approach. Ultimately, the circular economy aims to foster environmental sustainability while also promoting economic growth.
Focus topics
Year of Ubuntu
UBUNTU: I am because You are
The Year Of Ubuntu was brought to you by MSP (Macheke Sustainability Project), Ecocivilisation and ChenesaiAfrica. It created a safe and brave space for people to share stories and co-create tools to bring the Spirit of Ubuntu to the world.
Focus topics
Discussions about Ecocivilisation
More and more of us are searching for a new shared destination, where hopes can stay alive, and humanity keeps the right to co-exist as part of this magical life on Earth.
The Ecocivilisaton Talks is a platform for open discussions, searching and unfolding weak signals pointing towards a new civilisational paradigm which we call Ecocivilisation.
Ecocivilisation Talks are brought to you by Violeta Bulc.
Ecocivilisation Talks are brought to you by Violeta Bulc.
Focus topics
Global Open House
Let us open the space for unbiased individuals who are driven by their inquisitiveness and the willingness to learn and are not limited by their level and field of qualification.
You can join with an agenda to discuss, without an agenda, or just as a listener. Conversations will progress with the flow and are need restricted to specific topics. As a community, we look forward to building a network conducive for creating and sustaining open conversations, not just on this platform, but in our everyday lives as well.
Global Open House is brought to you by Ramit Singh Chimni and 8one Foundation.
Join us and see where the usntructured and unmoderated discussion will take us!
Global Open House is brought to you by Ramit Singh Chimni and 8one Foundation.
Join us and see where the usntructured and unmoderated discussion will take us!
Focus topics
The Connectathon is a gathering of us all from across the globe for these 24 hours, to celebrate our humanity and look to where we wish to to take us. Where we share all that matters for us to thrive together and all that needs wisdom weaving. All that must be shared amongst us all to set a new life-culture.
Since 2022, we have brought together thinkers, leaders, survivors, persistent weavers of knowledge and action & more for 24 hours together and talk about the night and day, the dark and light, negative and positive, the pro and the cons of all argument.Arguments which bring out pathways, build boundaryless collaborations, give us the space to bring up the controversial and the constructive together so we may find all that is necessary for us to graduate to our improved selves.
Focus topics
Year of Water aims to bring forward fresh views for the demanding challenges from around the world related to water, including accessibility to drinking water, gender perspective, the management, the role, the essence, and the inspiration of water in the framework of glocalization.
The vision is to establish the right for drinking water in every constitution worldwide. The mission is to reinvent the integration of water topics into the emerging (eco)civilization, acknowledge water as the inner strength of life, and raise awareness about the essential role water plays for life on planet Earth.
The goals include raising awareness about topics related to water challenges, creating a focus group dedicated to the water topic, and cross-integrating with groups that share the vision and mission of the EYoW23. Additionally, the mission aims to deliver a new EcocivilisationBook: Water.
The goals include raising awareness about topics related to water challenges, creating a focus group dedicated to the water topic, and cross-integrating with groups that share the vision and mission of the EYoW23. Additionally, the mission aims to deliver a new EcocivilisationBook: Water.
Ključne teme
Leto vode predstavlja sveže poglede na zahtevne izzive iz celega sveta, povezane z vodo, vključno z dostopnostjo do pitne vode, upravljanjem, njenim bistvom, navdihom in vlogo v okviru procesa globalizacije.
Vizija je ustanoviti pravico do pitne vode v vsaki ustavi na svetu. Misija je ponovno izumiti integracijo tem vode v nastajajočo (eko)civilizacijo, priznati vodo kot notranjo moč življenja in ozaveščati o ključni vlogi, ki jo voda igra za življenje na planetu Zemlja.
Cilji vključujejo ozaveščanje o temah, povezanih z izzivi vode, ustvarjanje fokusne skupine, posvečene temi vode, in prečno integracijo s skupinami, ki delijo vizijo in misel Leta vode 2023. Poleg tega si misija prizadeva za izdajo nove knjige o Ekocivilizaciji: Voda.
Cilji vključujejo ozaveščanje o temah, povezanih z izzivi vode, ustvarjanje fokusne skupine, posvečene temi vode, in prečno integracijo s skupinami, ki delijo vizijo in misel Leta vode 2023. Poleg tega si misija prizadeva za izdajo nove knjige o Ekocivilizaciji: Voda.
Focus topics
Circular Economy
We strive towards circular economy, because as an economic system designed to minimize waste and promote the sustainable use of resources, it represents the answer to many chalenges, both social and environmental.
In a circular economy, products, materials, and resources are kept in use for as long as possible, with a focus on reducing, reusing, and recycling. The goal is to create a closed-loop system that minimizes the extraction of raw materials and the generation of waste. Circular economy principles emphasize the importance of designing products with longevity in mind and encouraging a shift from the traditional linear “take, make, dispose” model to a more regenerative and restorative approach. Ultimately, the circular economy aims to foster environmental sustainability while also promoting economic growth.
Ključne teme
Krožno gospodarstvo
Stremimo h krožnemu gospodarstvu, saj kot ekonomski sistem, zasnovan za zmanjšanje odpadkov in spodbujanje trajnostne rabe virov, predstavlja odgovor na mnoge izzive, tako družbene kot okoljske.
V krožnem gospodarstvu se izdelki, materiali in viri uporabljajo čim dlje, pri čemer je poudarek na zmanjševanju, ponovni uporabi in recikliranju. Cilj je ustvariti zaprte sisteme, ki minimizirajo izčrpavanje surovin in nastajanje odpadkov. Načela krožnega gospodarstva poudarjajo pomembnost oblikovanja izdelkov z dolgo življenjsko dobo in spodbujanje prehoda od tradicionalnega linearnega modela “vzemi, naredi, zavrzi” k bolj regenerativnemu in obnovitvenemu pristopu. Končni cilj krožnega gospodarstva je spodbujanje okoljske trajnosti, hkrati pa tudi spodbujanje gospodarske rasti.
Focus topics
Year of Ubuntu
UBUNTU: I am because You are
The Year Of Ubuntu was brought to you by MSP (Macheke Sustainability Project), Ecocivilisation and ChenesaiAfrica.
It created a safe and brave space for people to share stories and co-create tools to bring the Spirit of Ubuntu to the world.
Ključne teme
Leto Ubuntu
UBUNTU: Jaz sem, ker si ti.
Aktivnosti v letu UBUNTU smo izvajali v sodelovanju s MSP (Macheke Sustainability Project / Projekt trajnosti Macheke), Ekocivilizacijo in ChenesaiAfrica.
Ustvarjali smo varno in pogumno okolje, kjer so ljudje delili zgodbe in sooblikovali orodja, da bi duh Ubuntu prinesli v svet.
Ustvarjali smo varno in pogumno okolje, kjer so ljudje delili zgodbe in sooblikovali orodja, da bi duh Ubuntu prinesli v svet.
Focus topics
Discussions about Ecocivilisation
More and more of us are searching for a new shared destination, where hopes can stay alive, and humanity keeps the right to co-exist as part of this magical life on Earth.
The Ecocivilisaton Talks is a platform for open discussions, searching and unfolding weak signals pointing towards a new civilisational paradigm which we call Ecocivilisation.
Ecocivilisation Talks are brought to you by Violeta Bulc.
Ecocivilisation Talks are brought to you by Violeta Bulc.
Ključne teme
Pogovori o Ekocivilizaciji
Vse več nas išče novo skupno destinacijo, kjer lahko živi upanje in kjer človeštvo ohranja pravico do sožitja kot del te čarobne življenjske poti na Zemlji.
Pogovori o Ekocivilizaciji so platforma za odprte razprave, iskanje in razkrivanje šibkih signalov, ki kažejo na novo civilizacijsko paradigmo, ki ji pravimo Ekocivilizacija.
Pogovore o Ekocivilizaciji vodi Violeta Bulc.
Pogovore o Ekocivilizaciji vodi Violeta Bulc.
Focus topics
The Connectathon is a gathering of us all from across the globe for these 24 hours, to celebrate our humanity and look to where we wish to to take us. Where we share all that matters for us to thrive together and all that needs wisdom weaving. All that must be shared amongst us all to set a new life-culture.
Since 2022, we have brought together thinkers, leaders, survivors, persistent weavers of knowledge and action & more for 24 hours together and talk about the night and day, the dark and light, negative and positive, the pro and the cons of all argument.Arguments which bring out pathways, build boundaryless collaborations, give us the space to bring up the controversial and the constructive together so we may find all that is necessary for us to graduate to our improved selves.
Ključne teme
Connectathon je dogodek za vse nas iz vseh koncev sveta in traja 24 ur. Na dogodku naredimo razmislek o poti, ki je pred nami in delimo vse, kar je pomembno za naše skupno dobro, in vse, kar zahteva premišljeno prepletanje modrosti. Tu delimo vse, kar moramo med seboj deliti, da ustvarimo novo življenjsko kulturo.
Od leta 2022 smo združili mislece, voditelje, vztrajne zbiralce in ustvarjalce znanja in še več. 24 ur preživimo skupaj, govorimo o noči in dnevu, temi in svetlobi, negativnem in pozitivnem, o prednostih in slabostih vseh argumentov. Argumenti, ki nam razkrivajo poti, gradijo brezmejna sodelovanja, nam dajejo prostor, da skupaj dvignemo kontroverzno in konstruktivno, da bi našli vse, kar je potrebno, da bi napredovali v izboljšano verzijo samih sebe.
Focus topics
Global Open House
Let us open the space for unbiased individuals who are driven by their inquisitiveness and the willingness to learn and are not limited by their level and field of qualification.
You can join with an agenda to discuss, without an agenda, or just as a listener. Conversations will progress with the flow and are need restricted to specific topics. As a community, we look forward to building a network conducive for creating and sustaining open conversations, not just on this platform, but in our everyday lives as well.
Global Open House is brought to you by Ramit Singh Chimni and 8one Foundation.
Join us and see where the unstructured and unmoderated discussion will take us!
Global Open House is brought to you by Ramit Singh Chimni and 8one Foundation.
Join us and see where the unstructured and unmoderated discussion will take us!
Focus topics
Global Open House
Let us open the space for unbiased individuals who are driven by their inquisitiveness and the willingness to learn and are not limited by their level and field of qualification.
You can join with an agenda to discuss, without an agenda, or just as a listener. Conversations will progress with the flow and are need restricted to specific topics. As a community, we look forward to building a network conducive for creating and sustaining open conversations, not just on this platform, but in our everyday lives as well.
Global Open House is brought to you by Ramit Singh Chimni and 8one Foundation.
Join us and see where the unstructured and unmoderated discussion will take us!
Global Open House is brought to you by Ramit Singh Chimni and 8one Foundation.
Join us and see where the unstructured and unmoderated discussion will take us!
Ključne teme
Global Open House
Odprimo prostor za nepristranske posameznike, ki jih vodi njihova radovednost, pripravljenost za učenje
in niso omejeni z njihovo stopnjo in področjem usposobljenosti.
Pridružite se lahko z idejo o razpravi, brez
ideje ali samo kot poslušalec. Pogovorom bomo pustili, da tečejo in se razvijejo kamor se razviti morajo. Kot
skupnost se veselimo vzpostavitve mreže, ki bo prijazna za ustvarjanje in vzdrževanje odprtih pogovorov, ne
samo na tej platformi, ampak tudi v našem vsakdanjem življenju.
Global Open House vodi Ramit Singh Chimni, skupaj z 8one Foundation.
Global Open House vodi Ramit Singh Chimni, skupaj z 8one Foundation.
Would you like to contribute an idea or learn more about the Ecocivilisation movement?
Get in touch with us!
Get in touch with us!