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Yuko Kudo

“We are the water we are here!”


Matilda Joslyn Gage

“The women of today are the thoughts of their mothers and grandmothers embodied and made alive.”


“Did you know that almost half of drinking water that is used for domestic consumption is used for toilet & shower?”


Violeta Bulc

“March 8th, the day when Women said enough! Today we say: “We want a seat at the decision making table.”


Arturo González

“They never thought about the consequences of deforestation. Until they finally understood that you can’t eat money. And without water and clean air. You can’t live.”

(from Arturo’s film “The Last drop”)


Violeta Bulc

“If things are not in place today, it doesn’t mean they are impossible to do.”


“We, Ecocivilisation movement, with our guest experts propose to collectively re-imagine a vibrant relationship with water and the Planet Earth.”


Sonja Klopčič

“We need to learn, from each other and also from everything around us, with all senses.”


“Be the change you want to see, deliver what the world truly needs.”


“Stay hopeful. You never know what tomorrow may bring.”


“There is a disconnect between what we say and what we do.”


“More than just hope more than just a dream more than just you and I.”


dr. Leticia Ackun

“Giving more opportunities to women at decision-making levels is one of the surest ways of accelerating the attainment of the SDG 6.

It’s time to put into action our good intentions!”


Jean Todt

“Ecocivilisation is on its way to build a strong movement of change agents, who want to see better, healthier, more united and prosperous world.”


“People have very different definitions of the problem itself. And if you disagree on the nature of the problem, you are going to disagree on the nature of the solution even more!”


Rajni Vohra

“Education and qualification is the biggest factor that is taking women ahead.”


“Women should play a more integral role in the decision making process not only on issues surrounding their water management in general.”


Violeta Bulc

“I’m convinced that a new civilisation is just around the corner.”


dr. Bindiya Bedi Charan Noronha

“Water & Women must flow in unison to achieve a balance on mother earth for all species to coexist and prosper in times to come.”


Delfina Terrado Kaehler

“There is a lot of mutual learning when we are getting together.”


“Water has no boundaries.”


Simran Kaur

“There is always hope in the little things you do, which leads you to do something greater.”


Tanja Miškova

“Women water diplomats should be in the frontline of the efforts to advance cooperative and inclusive transboundary water governance frameworks and solutions.”


Anne-Catherine Berner

“We were naive in some things and we learned fast that we have to be tough in defending our values.”


dr. Wang Zhijian

“Greatest kindness is like Water.” (Laozi, Founder of Taoism)


“All the life is breathing together.”


prof. Jeff Camkin

“Today we are talking about a broader concept of rights for water. There has been some great progress, but we still have a long way to go.”


“In the new normal we are learning social distancing or distant socialising…”


Elizabeth A. Koch

“There is no such thing as gender-neutral water governance.

Without undertaking robust gender analysis based on sex-disaggregated data we make poor assumptions that largely reenforce the status quo and current gender inequalities.”


Nataša Heror

“2021 gave a final ending of the old world and thanks to the pandemic it showed that we are opening up a new ways of thinking and being on this world.”


Gina Serena Birrer

“Water is the connecting source of ecosystems enabling to perceive social-ecological systems holistically and find collaborative solutions for a better future.”


Violeta Bulc

“Ecocivilisation is embodying the vision of the elders to bring together in the circle people of 4 colors (red, black, yellow and white) to shake hands and set foundation for a global civilisation of peace and prosperity.”


Hans Guttman

“Water risks threatens our future, but it is in our capacity to reduce the risks for a prosperous and fair future for all.”


Indra Adnan

“Every single person has the right to make a choice.”


Elvira Jimenez Navarro

“We should shift to a circular use of water, one that replenishes resources and regenerates ecosystems.”


“In the new normal we are learning social distancing or distant socialising…”


Ranjan Panda

“Water crisis makes women most vulnerable. At the same time, they are also among the best water leaders.

We need to facilitate more water and climate actions by women, especially young women. Let this webinar pave the way for more cohesion and cooperation among stakeholders in this regard.”


Violeta Bulc

“Those who have knowladge have a resposibility to educate others.”


Tadashige Kawasaki

“The most important and urgent task at present is mobilizing wisdom for concrete actions of Water Risk Reduction.”


Violeta Bulc

“I believe we are unique. There is nothing like Earth anywhere else.”


Alice Bouman-Dentener

“In sustainable water managment, we cherish and preserve the source of life and seek to harness its destructive force.”


Stefan Blachfellner

“If we are aware you our heritage on collective, global basis this is what empowers us for the present future.”


Dipak Gyawali

“Water problems have to be solved at very local levels, which means we need more “toad’s eye” science as opposed to “eagle’s eye” science.”


prof. dr. Alexander Laszlo

“I am convinced that the challenge and opportunity for human beings in 21st century is to envolve collective consciousness.”


Violeta Bulc

“Water is the planetary communication system beyond the technology, our core substance, the source of life.”


Sofia Carvalho

“We need to wake up our nomadic gene.”


Beena Unnikrishnan

“Water is a way of life-teaching you to flow, persistent, powerfull, making its new path cutting through hard rocks to merge with its source.”


Chenesai Mangoma

“The time is now when we need to start re-imagining, re-thinking, re-designing how we see the future of our world.

We cannot continue to have isolated conversations.”


Rajni Vohra

“Every drop of water carries energy and has an invaluable life sustaining force.”


Violeta Bulc

“Thank you for all the support and co-creation of Ecocivilisation movement!”


prof. dr. Khin-Ni-Ni Thein

“Water is vital resource for human life, economy, and ecosystem. Climate change severely affected water resources.”

(Ecocivilisation year of water 2023 aims to co-create a new water governance paradigm)


prof. dr. Alexander Laszlo

“Be the systems you want to see in the world. First, be you in the world. Then, remember that the systems want to see.

Now go, and re-story your narrative of interbeing.”


Marko Pogačnik

“Water is primary creative force of the planet Earth. Everything that exists is made of water just to crystallise in a matter in the next phase of life. Water is a creative being.”


Leonardo Da Vinci

“Water is the driving force of all nature.”


Yuko Kudo

“Without water, we don’t exist. We can’t exist. Water is in the air, in the tree, in the soil, and in us. We are sustained by water even when we don’t see it.”


Wendell Berry

“The Earth is what we all have in common.”


Lisa Russell

“Like the blood that runs through our veins, water is the life force of our planet.”


dr. Thomas Legrand

“We have grown power but at the same time we have not invested in inner development that we would need to be able to balance and use this power.”


W. H. Auden

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.”


Donna Nelham

“We need to find a common ground where all of humanity at some level can win. Because as long as we continue on win-lose paradigm is lose-lose!”


“Tree rings & human fingerprints. We are not so different. We are nature.”


Violeta Bulc

“Civilisations are often responsible for their own decline.

However, their self-destruction is usually assisted.”


Deirdra McMenamin

“The great river flows from the mountains to the sea. I am the river, the river is me.”  


prof. dr. Khin-Ni-Ni Thein

“Water is about life and death problem.

It is the existential problem. And it is also economical and political problem.”


Violeta Bulc

“I have a dream: peoples of the world work together for a peacful transition towards a global civilisation of nations based on participatory engagement, inclusion, respect, cross gender collaboration, and responsible co-existence.”


prof. dr. Alexander Laszlo

“Re-member who you are in the Great Hoop of Life, for when you do the universe will flow you – but only if and when you focus on humaning well.”


Ramit Singh Chimni

“There is no perfect solution to our world’s problems.

We all need to contribute, what we can, when we can, and however much we can.”


Peter K. Ryan

“I offer a glimmer of hope to women, that I have met. Many men who care, who love in the truest sense, their womenfolk.”


Tim Olsson

“Being a human is an adventure – many things we need to learn in a lifetime.”


Yuko Kudo

“We are all artists, in one way or the other. Art is the culture, it’s essential for our survival.”


prof. dr. Alexander Laszlo

“Know this: your true power lies in your ability to source life whenever and wherever you are, for in truth you are a sourcerer of the Ineffable Flame.

Close your eyes, calm your mind and connect.”