Ecocivlisation is on its way to build a strong movement of change agents, who want to see better, healthier, more united and prosperous world.

Jean Todt

Guest of the second Ecocivlisation podcast in 2022 is Mr. Jean Todt, a person admired by his “savoir faire” – a man of skill and grace! He is the United Nation’s Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road safety, dedicating his life to improve the road safety condition and to save lives all over the world, motivating the best sport people to support him in his efforts for a safer mobility.He is well known as a French motor racing executive and former rally co-driver. He was previously Peugeot Talbot Sport’s Director and then Scuderia Ferrari Formula 1 team principal, before being appointed CEO of Ferrari from 2004 to 2008. From 2009 to 2021, he served as the ninth president of the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA).

Mr. Todt is also a founding member and Vice-President of the Brain Institute, board member of the International Peace Institute, Member of the International Olympic Committee’s Commission for Public Affairs and Social and since 2018 a Board Member of the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens. Since 2021 Mr. Jean Todt is also the member of the G100 Denim Club representing the Ecocivilisation #G100 Wing!

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